Virtual Learning Environments

Virtual Learning Environments (VLEs), such as WebCT©, BlackBoard© and Moodle©, are increasingly popular in education, as they are an easy way for teaching and learning. The dynamic adoption of VLEs from Universities was a result of the transmission from Web 1.0 to Web 2.0 which allowed learners not only to view and download material, but to actively participate in their learning process through collaboration, interactivity and flexibility. Specifically, they offer tools where teachers can easily:

Overall, VLEs can be used to support both on-campus or off-campus courses and can facilitate e-learning and blended learning. The main advantage of VLEs is that is easy to use learning environments where teachers can control the teaching process as if they are in traditional classrooms.

Creative Commons License
Virtual Learning Environments by Maria Limniou is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License.

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