About me


Maria Limniou has gained the following qualifications/degrees:

BSc (Chemistry);

MSc in “Didactics of Chemistry and New Educational Technologies”;

PhD in “Computer-based Teaching and Learning in Chemistry Education (Virtual Reality and Computer-Controlled Instruments)”; and

PGCert in Learning & Teaching in Higher Education and Senior Fellow from UK Advance Higher Education.

Maria Limniou has over than twenty years of experience in teaching and learning on the use of Information and Communication Technology (ICT) for educational purposes gained during her academic degrees and work experience in a variety of Universities (Manchester University, Manchester Metropolitan University and University of Liverpool).

I have no special talent, I am only passionately curious (Albert Einstein)

During her studies, she investigated how multimedia applications could be designed in order to effectively promote learning and how they could be integrated into courses/modules in order to support  face-to face (blended learning) and on-line teaching. The multimedia application (e.g., virtual simulations, animations, hypermedia applications) which shehas designed was inspired by the Cognitive Load Theory and its integration into courses was based on Constructivism in order; for example, to give students the opportunity to receive the new information gradually and to actively participate in the teaching and learning process. In order to design educational applications, she has explored students’ learning needs and background, while she has taken into her considerations several practical issues, such as University facilities, course budget and lecture time.

Her expertise is in the following field:

Virtual Simulations, Multimedia, Virtual Reality, Communication Tools, e-Assessment, Virtual Learning Environments (VLEs), Computer-Supported Collaboration Learning (CSCLs), Computer-Assisted Teaching, Blended Learning, Flipped Classroom Approaches and Hybrid Learning.

Her research interests include the influence of educational technology on the teaching and learning process and especially on how people learn, how people can be facilitated to learn and how technology design assist students to learn. She has authored or co-authored more than 20 peer-reviewed journal articles and more than 5 book chapters. She has also presented her work in various national and international conferences, and she has acted as a member of editorial board/reviewer for various educational Journals and Conferences.

Maria is currently working in the University of Liverpool as a senior lecturer in Digital Education and Innovation at the Department of Psychology.

Maria’s University Homepage
Maria’s LinkedIn account
Maria’s Research Gate account
Maria’s Academia account
Maria’s Twitter account
Maria’s Google Scholar Citations list

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